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I've been using Flowbee for many years to cut my own hair. Not only is it more convenient and so much cheaper. I can easily do as well as any barber that I've met and better than many of them. Personally, my favorite part of the system is that I never get any hair down my neck, which has always been the result of a barber's cut. I've also found that the Flowbee makes trimming my mustache and beard quick and easy. An added bonus that I have more recently discovered is that I can provide great haircuts to my grandsons. This gets me more of their visits, which I love. Last weekend I cut my 5-year-old grandson's hair. He was kinda tired and had trouble sitting still. I put one of his shows on the TV and let him lie down on the couch with his head on a pillow. It helped a great deal by removing the 'wigglies', as a moving 'target' is a challenge to any system. I let him turn the vacuum on and off and he even giggled a bit when the motion of the spacer tickled now and then. He thinks the cuts are really fun and looks forward to them when he visits. When I'm done, he runs off to check out the result in the bathroom and always comes back with a satisfied grin on his face. Please don't ever stop making the Flowbee system.
Hi, I just want to thank you for a wonderful product. I bought it in 2008 because after moving to Florida, I had a difficult time finding someone to cut my hair. It was always a horrible haircut. I found one person who did a great job, but she moved back to Michigan. I found out that the requirements for cutting hair in Florida was nowhere near most other states. Very easy and didn’t take much. Anyone that I finally found wanted to charge $75. Excellent hair stylist but too expensive. I found the Flowbee, did the math and decided that I needed to use it X amount of times to pay for itself and if I didn’t like it, I would continue looking for somebody. It was very easy and I loved it. It’s paid for itself many times over. Thank you for a great product.
Hi there, my name is Robert. I've been hairstyles in the film industry in Vancouver for the past 35 years I purchased one of your flowbees in 1999. And have you using it for my own hair ever since. I was fortunate enough a couple of years ago to be nominated for an academy award for the film The revenant. And when I was on the red carpet and was asked by interviewers who does my hair, I of course told them I use a flowbee. All that being said I'm really happy with your product unfortunately it's hard for me to find your product here in Canada. But I would love to have one of your top of the line flowbees for my personal use. And I think I will need three additional units, for my staff to use. I find it an absolute invaluable tool in my job, and I thank you so much for inventing it. since 1999 I've had my haircut three times by professionals. And each time I've been extremely disappointed. Hi then go ahead and cut my hair with my flowbee and get nothing but compliments from everybody. so if you can I would love to have your products please let me know how I can order them and how I can get them here in Canada. and if you'd be so kind as to want to send me one of your products to use I'd be happy to give you all the public media that you want from now on. Thank you so much for your time I hope to hear from you soon.
When our two sons were very young, we discovered the Flow-Bee haircutting system.  We are on our third or fourth Flow-Bee now and still saving hundreds of dollars each year on haircuts.  We no longer have to cut our sons' hair for they are grown and out of the house, but we continue to cut our own.  We recommend the system to others several times each year because we are so grateful to have had it available to us.  Thank you for continuing to provide parts and oil; we've just reordered.  Thirty plus years and counting!
I have been using your Flowbee sense 1993. I am currently on my second Flowbee. I hope you will be still around when I need my 3rd Flowbee. Keep up the great work.
Hello, Hope that you are doing excellent, just thought you might appreciate this note here. I purchased this Flowbee I know definitely more than 20 years ago..maybe 25!    I used this here the other day and finished my haircut and then usually after every use I turn it on and spray the blades into the unit with some WD-40. When I went to turn it on to do finally gave out and would not turn back there a lifetime guarantee on these for replacement?? ~~~~~~just joking~~~~~~ With the quality the way it is with most products these days this unit is an ICON............Needless to say I will be purchasing a new one! Hope it lasts al long as this one did................Not Sure but maybe the lubrication after each use prolonged the life. I can only imagine how much money I have save with haircuts!!....and the thing I have always like the best.... is that I cut my hair how.. I.. want it to be and able to be consistent with the spacers each time. Can I get free shipping on the new one for being such a loyal user??....Never know till you ask......................... Feel free to use this testimonial.
I bought a flowbee hair cutting machine from you. shortly after you had started. what 1992 Well I would just like to say I'm still cutting my hair 22 yrs later. I cant imagine how much money i have saved in haircuts. Let alone the time to travel to and from a barber and the wait until he's available. I just finished cutting my hair and thought another great haircut I wanted to contact you to let you know just what a great product this. I couldn't imagine myself without it. your welcome to print my story thanks 22 years later.
William Molley
I have been using a Flowbee for 19 years. I got the first one to save time when my first child was born. I didn't have the time to wait at the barber shop. I have been cutting my hair every week with the Flowbee since and it's always the way I want it. Looks great. Given weekly usage after 19 years I am on my third one which still have saved me thousands of dollars and thousands of hours. In the near future I am going to order two which, given luck, will get me through to when I am bald and it won't matter anymore.
Gregg M. Gallatin
Stan-Beacon Electronics
Hi Flowbee- May I join the praise of your wonderful product? When I was young, I always wondered why clippers couldn’t work with a vacuum the way Flowbee does. When I first saw your ad, ten years ago, I thought: Wow-somebody figured it out! I ordered, mostly out of curiousity, but when I got the Flowbee in my hands and saw the clever design, I knew at once that it would work. And it did! I have never been to a barbershop since then. I’ve dedicated a small vacuum cleaner to the Flowbee so that it can stay ready all the time. Haircuts take me only 5 minutes start to finish. And to my delight, people say nice things about my haircuts. I’m a little shy, so I never tell them my secret (sorry!). I figure have saved about $2000 in haircut costs, and 120 hours, or about one month, of productive time, since I got the Flowbee. Given that return, I’d say your prices are a giveaway. Please let me know before you ever stop making this machine. I’ll need a lifetime supply.
C.E. Crow